Apple to sell Vision Pro AR headset for triple Meta's top-line price

 Apple to sell Vision Pro AR headset for triple Meta's top-line price

Apple has unveiled the Vision Pro, an expensive stocked reality headset in its most effective bet since the introduction of the iPhone more than a decade ago.

 , shock in an application dominated by Meta.


 At its regular Inventors conference, Apple also introduced a raft of new products and features, including a 15-inch MacBook Air, a flagship chip called the M2 Ultra, improvements to its iOS software and a long-awaited Adaptation that helps prevent it from changing automatically. A common curse for "duck."


 The Vision Pro will start at $3499, more than triple the price of a premium headset in the Meta's mixed and virtual reality bias.

The headset will examine an application fraught with prejudice that has yet to gain traction with consumers and put it in direct competition with Facebook owner Meta when the companies battle stoner sequestration and control of inventive platforms such as After clashes over issues.


 Apple emphasized the headset's stoked reality features as well as sports and entertainment hookups. Apple said the device will use a new chip called R1 that will recycle information from its detectors in less than the blink of an eye.

But advertising

 failed to excite Wall Street, which bid up Apple shares before the launch. The stock was mostly flat postmarket trading.

"Wealthy, early adopters of Cracker will buy the Vision Pro in droves, but there's still time for Apple to move the needle," said David Rolfe, principal investment officer at Wedgwood Mates, which has held Apple stock since 2005. "


 Rolfe said there was no mass demand for the headset yet, but he praised the product's technical capabilities. Apples Vision Pro especially reminds me of the early days of the computer revolution. It took several times for the PC to become a mainstream product. Same with Vision Pro."

Rolfe said there was no mass demand for the headset yet, but he praised the product's technical capabilities. Apples Vision Pro especially reminds me of the early days of the computer revolution. It took several times for the PC to become a mainstream product. Same with Vision Pro."


 Vision Pro's drugs will be perfect for filming the content inside the glasses, selecting content with your eyes, tapping your pads together to click, and gently scrolling, while watching Weeds and Filmland. A three-dimensional camera and microphone system can also be used. Later in 3D.

In its most notable difference from the Meta's headset, the device also has a surface display that shows the outside world the stoner's eyes.


 The surface screen goes dark when a stoner is completely immersed in the virtual world. When a person approaches a stoner who is in full virtual mode, the headset will show both the stoner and the outsider side-by-side, a virtual improvement over Meta's Bias, which would show a more introductory videotape feed of the outside world. Is.

Apple CEO Tim Cook said it's the first Apple product you see, not the first.


 Apple's headset will be available in the US ahead of schedule with more countries coming in 2024.

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