Google Announces 7 Free AI Courses for Pakistanis, Here’s How You Can Apply!

 Google Announces 7 Free AI Courses for Pakistanis, Here’s How You Can Apply!

Google offers a variety of online courses and resources through platforms like Google Developers, Google Digital Garage, and Google Cloud Training. These courses cover various topics, including programming, data analysis, machine learning, and AI. Here are a few notable Google courses and platforms:

Google Developers: Google Developers offers a range of courses, tutorials, and documentation for developers. They cover topics such as Android app development, web development, machine learning, and more.

Google Digital Garage: Google Digital Garage provides free online courses on digital marketing, career development, and business skills. While not specific to AI, these courses can help enhance your overall digital skills.

Google Cloud Training: Google Cloud Training offers courses and certifications related to cloud computing and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Some of these courses cover topics like machine learning, data engineering, and AI on the Google Cloud Platform.

TensorFlow: TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning platform developed by Google. It provides a range of resources, tutorials, and documentation for learning and using TensorFlow for AI and machine learning projects.

Applied Digital Skills: Applied Digital Skills is a free Google initiative that offers courses on digital skills like data analysis, presentations, spreadsheets, and more. While not focused solely on AI, these skills are valuable for AI-related work.

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