A person with both legs disabled has climbed Mount Everest



Hari Buddha Magar, a resident of Canterbury, United Kingdom, climbed Mount Everest, the world's highest peak, despite being disabled in both legs. The 43-year-old British citizen decided to take this step by accepting the challenge of changing perceptions about disability. According to the team of Bad Buddha Magar, they had reached the summit at 3 pm on Friday

With the help of a satellite phone call, Hari Buddha Magar told his team that it was more difficult than they expected. He said that although he was in pain due to which he was taking longer to reach the destination, he did not stop and continued towards Everest.

He said he left 11 days ago with a team of Nepalese climbers led by a climber named Krish Thapa. When the climb to reach Everest became difficult, everyone in his team encouraged him to achieve this honor.

It should be noted that Hari Buddha Magar is an ex-serviceman who lost both his legs due to stepping on an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan in 2010. Wishing to make his name in the history of mountaineering, Hari set out to climb the world's highest peak, Mount Everest.

Hari Buddha Magar lost both of his legs while serving in the British Army in Afghanistan in 2010. Despite his injuries, he didn't let his disability hinder his passion for mountaineering. He became the first above-knee amputee to climb Mera Peak, a 6,476-meter (21,247 ft) mountain in Nepal, in 2017.

In 2019, Hari Buddha Magar made internationalheadlines when he attempted to summit Mount Everest, the highest peak in theworld. Though he did not reach the summit on that occasion, his determinationand courage inspired many people worldwide.

Hari Buddha Magar's mountaineering achievementshave made him a symbol of resilience and determination. He continues toadvocate for the inclusion of disabled individuals in adventure sports andoutdoor activities, proving that physical limitations should not restrict one'sdreams and aspirations.


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